
July 20th Nanne's Girls

Allow me to introduce you to Nanne's girls, otherwise known as the chooks. No farm is complete without them, for they are as endearing as they are productive.

First there are my two Isa Browns, the remnant of the last lot bought from the Farmers Market. They were a miserable lot from the start, featherless from perpetual hen pecking and intermittent layers. Two previously went for the chop and these remaining two have been threatened times without count. SO why are they still here?

To explain, meet the other three. The 2 white girls belong to the grandchildren, who raised them from chicks: sweet tempered and good layers.
Finally, the magnificent and handsome rooster with the unfortunately unimpressive name of Chirpy, also raised by the kids. I never planned on having a rooster, but now I would never be without one. From the moment he arrived, peace has reigned in the henhouse, feathers have returned
 to bare bottoms and necks and
squabbles have ceased, even when combining the two flocks. The Browns are even laying better.
And now to my chook tale which explains all.
I have two lovely clean and cosy nests for the girls to lay in but they have made their own nest behind the feed bin and all four insist this is the best one to use. Everyday they line up to use it, waiting patiently and crossing their legs till it's their turn. However, someone got impatient today as a great kerfuffle came from the henhouse that sounded awfully like
It was loud enough to send Molly scurrying for the house and bring Chirpy flying in from the orchard where he rose to full height and gave his best Sargent major impersonation with "WHATS' GOIN' ON IN 'ERE?".
Nothing now! Feathers immediately deruffled and eyes widened with 'who me' expressions.
I went in to see what was happening 10 minutes later and here were two quiet chooks sitting double decker on the preferred nest. "Oh for pity's sake!" exclaimed Nanne.

Always the same nest!

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