
Summer Days 2015/16

This has been a hot summer so far, preceded by an unusually dry spring. The paddocks are brown but the creek is still running, just barely, so we are thankful for water for the animals and the garden. Also, it seems hot weather is good for apricots, and we had a bumper crop, providing jam and stewed apricots for many breakfasts to come.

Spring storm brewing, one of the last
The Flowering Gum on the driveway. Show off!

Slip and slide with the grandkids Christmas Eve
New member of the family, Molly
with cousin Charlie
...and Pa, after grandkids have gone home!!
New fence around arena in preparation for spring planting of native bushes and trees

Sound asleep behind their fashionable fly veils

Plantings of Maple, Silver Birch, Frizia, Japanese Maples and Gladistia

Another good year for plums



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