
They're Here

Hi Kids
The new chickens arrived today. The lovely old man who brought them last time came again. He said "they should be laying eggs any day now". You can see that they are only young by the little 'combs' on top of their heads.

They need new names. Would Sammy, Ariana, Hamish and Braden like to think up some names this time?

They like their new home and are already happily scratching around the coop.


  1. Hamish wanted to call one Braden, but we thought that might make things a little confusing, so he has decided to call one 'Number 11' instead(which might change to number 12 next year when Braden has another birthday!).

  2. Thanks Hamish.. I now have chooks Eleven, Mary (Ana), Joey (Sammy) and Queen Victoria (Braden).

  3. Sammy and Hamish may not realize that Lay Girls are just that - girls!!

  4. Sammy decided that 'Joey' was short for Joanne, and Eleven was nice and neutral. I'll go with that!



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