
Summer Jobs

It's summer and everything needs tender loving care to beat the heat. Here is a list of jobs in Nanne's Garden, apart from water, water, water.

1. Pick plums for sauce, jam and breakfast and give away excess
2. Cook and preserve peaches...  

roadside stalls and farmer's gates are great for cheapies
3. Let out chooks and check the eggs. Thanks girls!
 4. Plant broccoli and cauli seedlings and seeds for next month. (still not good at this. Hoping this year my staggered planting works better)

5. Mulch spent bean plants and spread around new seedlings.

6. Mulch mass of fallen bark to use as flooring in new garden shed. Smells so nice!

7. Put fly veils on Mez and CIndy. They are always happy to have them on as it brings great relief from persistent little flies in eyes.

8. Plant a tub of petunias to replace some straggley tubs in planters around the house.
9. Check corn progress
 10. Admire
Coffee break!

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