This year the hay shed was a favourite destination, whether helping to fill it, learning to ride motor bikes around it or building cubbies in it.
The young men.
Second cousins, good mates

First ride on a bike with clutch... goal: to hit second gear... done! Go Ella!

And then there were the chickens. 4 chicks to dear old Everest, second year running.
Love that smile! Josh, headed for high school in 2 weeks.
Our first jamming session with 2 guitars, 1 bass and 1 mandolin. We weren't half bad !

The pond was put to good use in the hot weather too.
Sammy, also headed for High School, no doubt a future high flyer!

Watching the farrier. (the dogs got distracted, as usual)
Morning tea on the verandah...
...or on the Adirondacks if you're a young lady
Sunset and moon rise in paradise
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