
Summer holidays 2018

Summer holidays is a busy time at the farm, with grandkids and mates coming and going. This year we had 3 one week followed by 6 the next, plus the 2 from next door joining in all activities. All stayed for 3 days and 2 nights, which makes for a lot of food and a lot of noise, but Pa and I think we're so blessed to have the place and the good health to do it. Too soon they'll all be back at school, sport, socializing, Youth Group and church ... it's a long time till they all come back next holiday. (We should be rested up by then!!)

This year the hay shed was a favourite destination, whether helping to fill it, learning to ride motor bikes around it or building cubbies in it.

The young men.
 Second cousins, good mates
First ride on a bike with clutch... goal: to hit second gear... done! Go Ella!

 And then there were the chickens. 4 chicks to dear old Everest, second year running.
 Love that smile! Josh, headed for high school in 2 weeks.
Our first jamming session with 2 guitars, 1 bass and 1 mandolin. We weren't half bad !

The pond was put to good use in the hot weather too.
 Sammy, also headed for High School, no doubt a future high flyer!
The young ladies. Jamie's first drive of the ever-patient Cindy
 Watching the farrier. (the dogs got distracted, as usual)
Morning tea on the verandah...
...or on the Adirondacks if you're a young lady
 Sunset and moon rise in paradise


Christmas 2017

Christmas has a way of coming slowly and then disappearing quickly. I seemed to spend most of the year making gifts for the family, which is probably one of the nicest parts of giving for me. I don't much like the shopping part. I prefer to give a bit of myself through my making. This year I had a go at some woodwork, with Pa's help, and made a birdhouse for my Mum.

The grandchildren received handmade pillow cases, with names for the girls and special interest (cars or Star Wars) for the boys. Thanks again to Pinterest for the ideas to get me started.

Handsome Pa and pretty Molly, in a typical pose on Christmas day
Christmas Eve lunch in the backyard. Perfect weather for a bbq and salads.
Aunty Sharon's white chocolate and mixed berry ice cream, Aunty Nook's pav and Nanne's chocolate roulade. Spoiled to death.
Time for a swim in the pond in the afternoon.

Nanne and Pa, Christmas 2017


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