To give credit where it's due, I got the idea for this post from Say Little Hen which you will see is one of the blogs I follow. Gives a bit of structure to an otherwise rambley selection of posts.
It goes like this: What I am....
Reading: Colleen McCullough's "The Ladies of Missalonghi". I have just finished her "Morgan's Run", for the second time. Loved it just as much on the return. Have LOVED Australian history ever since teaching it in Grade 4, especially the convict era, and she really captures all the horror, courage and even romance well.
Dreaming About: a possible trip to Norfolk Island in the future. (Follows point one!)
Making: Signs out of old pallets. This one is a quote from my grandchildrens' evening prayers. Very humbling really! and a new cushion cover

Growing: onions, cabbage, broccoli ,tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes. Also propagating geraniums donated to my mother from fellow gardeners with all the old- fashioned colours... dark reds to almost black.
Harvesting: Strawberries
Cooking: buttery jam drops. First try. A little overdone, but delicious. Worth a retry. Also homemade bread. Makes all other toast taste 3rd or 4th rate.
and finally, birthday and Christmas presents combined for 2017, some garden art.
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