First of all Pa has been busy chopping wood for our fireplace. A friendly farmer from church told Pa he could have free firewood if he wanted to pick it up. Pa was straight off with his chainsaw and trailer. Here he is getting the job done at home,
and here is the result. A lovely big pile for keeping us warm on wintery nights.
so the chooks got a lovely new 'carpet' in their chookhouse for all their hard work laying eggs for the family.
The fruit trees got 'the chop' this week, a haircut to help them grow better in spring. You can already see the buds forming on the branches. Later they will be flowers, then fruit (nectarines...yum!)
The roses got 'the chop' so they make more flowers in summer. You can see the new shoots here too.
Even Mez got a haircut this week, and a tail cut, so she looks smart for Riding Club. She really liked being fussed over.
And lastly, I have had 2 naughty chooks jumping out of their yard, a lot, so finally I said "RIGHT! time to give your wing tips 'the chop' ". Problem fixed. No more jumping out, as they can't fly as well with clipped wings.
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